Friday, January 10, 2014


Change. I really dislike it. I am not sure that there are very many people that really enjoy change. I mean we get so comfortable with the way that things are in our lives that when something happens to disrupt that we aren't sure what to do. Or at least that is how my life is. There are some things that have happened recently that have caused me to change. I am not saying that these changes are bad changes but they are hard changes.  Some of the changes are things that needed to happen in my life. My organizational habits are pretty terrible....those of you that have seen my old car know this to be true. So when my closet was a mess I called one of the most organized people I know, my mom. I don't think I was quite ready for the amount that she was going to make me change. It has not been easy going through this change but at the end of the day I see how much I am getting rid of and much more organized I am going to be. (Clearly change is hard for me since I had clothes in my closet that were from high school!)

I have had some changes in relationships in my life. I would say for me that is always the hardest change to go through. I get comfortable with someone being apart of my life and when that isn't the way that it has been I have a hard time. I understand the change in my life and realize that it is something that had to happen but it isn't easy. I know that I will make it through and will probably be better for it but the time period of going through the change in my life is so difficult. I found this quote the other day:
This really made an impact on my thinking when I thought about the changes in my life. It is amazing to me that God created the caterpillar to not just stay a caterpillar but to change into a beautiful butterfly. That is what He purposefully created the caterpillar to do. He didn't create the caterpillar to decide if it was ready to change into something new...the caterpillar just does it. So why do I fight so much when I am forced to change? God created us for so much more than we sometimes allow Him to do in our lives. I may not always enjoy the change that is happening in my life but I do know that there is always a greater purpose for the change. I know that not all changes are permanent and some are just for a moment in our life but I am working really hard to embrace the change that is happening right now. 

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