Sunday, January 12, 2014


I found this quote and was completely amazed at how much it meets me where I am right now. I feel like I pray and pray and wonder are my prayers really being heard? Does God really hear my cries and answer what I'm asking? I know the answer is yes. Yes, he hears everything that I say...even the craziest of prayers-- he hears. 

I will be really honest though and say its a struggle. It's a struggle when the answers to the prayers are not answered on my time table. It's a struggle when I see other people's prayers being answered. It's a struggle when I think I pour out my hopes and desires and nothing happens. 

I was really struggling with all of this tonight but as I got out of my car tonight I took a moment and looked up into the sky. I was struck by the vastness of the sky and the beauty of the stars. I realized that God placed each and every star where it is supposed to be in the sky. If God can do that then I know He hears every cry of my heart and everything will be answered according to his plan. 

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