Sunday, January 5, 2014

Planning ahead.

If you have never heard of Corrie ten Boom you should research her. She lived an unbelievable life and loved God through every struggle she had. This quote is found in her book The Hiding Place. It sums up so much of how I have been feeling lately. 

I struggle with the fact that I don't understand what my future looks like. I tend to want to plan ahead and have all my ducks in a row but life can not always be like that. For someone that likes to be in control, the unknown is difficult. I'm learning to let go of the need to be in control. I'm learning to let each adventure and each person I meet to make me a better person.

Some people come into your life and stay for a lifetime but some people come into your life and stay for a season. When you first meet them, there is no way to know what each person will be in your life but isn't that exciting? The person you meet tomorrow may become your very best friend or they may just be someone you meet once. I bet in either case you can learn something new from them. 

I am usually someone that is up for something new and will probably trying anything once. The last few months I have been pushed out of my comfort zone by someone especially when it comes to trying new foods! It's exciting and a little unnerving at the same time. I have found that each new place has been a great experience and I am now a fan of many new foods. 

I like adventure and I like meeting new people. I am excited to think that each new adventure and each person is preparing me for my future. A future that I don't really have control over but a future that God has already planned. So I think I will just enjoy each new adventure (hope to try even more things this year!) and each person in my life! 

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